Year 1 Projects Feed Back / Gallery

This page holds brief information from successful projects as they feed back on the activity which they have undertaken as a result of their successful bid for funding. Images can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Community Events Advice

We have been able to assist a number of  local events that could not afford sound equipment to operate

Jubilee Celebration - supporting a local estate street party for the jubilee weekend locals had all produced sandwiches and drinks, they shared tables chairs and got together to unite their neighbourhood.

They were joined by some unplanned guests who live locally, they all enjoyed the day and re-united some old friendships. We were also able to support a larger event again for the jubilee weekend in Ecclesfield park.

The friends of the park group wanted a big picnic day, but needed to be able to address the crowd and had no funds to provide this.  CEA were able to offer them a battery powered system that did the job very well.

We were also able to help the 'Firth park Ripples' event, where alongside providing the music on the day, we also provided a  free standing microphone system was needed for the local officials and dignitaries to speak.

These are a few examples of how the funds from Community First are helping the wider community - we are able to support groups across the area with community events both planning and on the day practical support.

For more information please contact us at

Firestorm Youth Club

Firestorm youth club is a lively and exciting way to spend our Thursday evenings and this year has been no exception.  Each week we have met together to drink hot chocolate, paint our nails, create something arty, try and win at table tennis and much more.  

The youth club is open to all young people from Firth Park and the surrounding areas and this year we have enjoyed spending time with both new and regular faces.  

Gaining funding from the Community First panel for the cost of the room hire has enabled us to continue to deliver a safe and fun place for young people to spend time with their friends and make new ones on a weekly basis. 

Firth Park Centre for Life received funding from Community First to plant shrubs and create an attractive garden which borders the roundabout. Hanging baskets, tubs, planters and summer bedding have brightened Firth Park Centre this summer, encouraging people to visit, benefitting local businesses and helping the community to feel that their area is cared for.

Firth Park Festival

Maggie Hoyles, Treasurer writes 

"The Firth Park annual Festival took place on Sunday 24th June from 12 to 5pm. We started in rain but it soon cleared up and remained dry for the event - tho' dull and cloudy. 

Because of the uncertain weather, there weren't as many people as usual, tho' still about 2000-3000. We had the best entertainment I think that we have had since starting in 1999. 

Bands - Even the Odds and M&J Blues, Drumming Workshop, Circus Skills, Romano Jilo and other dancers as well as lots of food, stalls fairground rides etc. 

We had David Blunkett MP and the Lord Mayor John Campbell as our guest of honour and the committee felt it was a great success. So thank you for your support. We hope you will be able to help again for the Christmas Festival and next year too!"


Firth Park 40s-60s Group

These are a selection of the photographs taken at our 20th Anniversary celebration which your funding helped provide. Everyone had a super time mixing with old & new friends, local people & dignitaries.

We had chair aerobics. crafts & stalls & photos displaying previous events we had held and been to.

We finished our meeting with a toast from the Lord Mayor Mr John Campbell followed by him cutting our delicious anniversary cake followed by a mouth watering buffet organised and provided by Sharon a local caterer business at Firth Park.

Mr David Blunkett MP also spoke to everyone and his new guide dog was really interested in our sausage rolls. Thanks for your help and guidance.

Flower Estate Family Action  

received funds  which funded in total 39 learning sessions. The sessions were well attended and learners enjoyed the experience.

The 10 craft sessions  'Nifty Needles'  where learners worked on numerous craft projects producing high quality handcrafted items, cards, brooches', books, fabric gift bags, door stops to name just a few have been fantastic!

We also contacted local knitting groups who produce amazing jumpers in aid of 'Knit For Peace' We filled four sacks with over 200 jumpers plus hats and small blanket's! Someone made the comment of 'These jumpers have been knitted with love in every stitch!' A very big thank you to all those who knitted with us! Many thanks to the Community Development Foundation for funding this project.

Flower Estate Tenants & Residents Association

Christine Launders writes 

" We have purchased the equipment, bulbs and requirements for the planting event which  took place  outside Hinde House School 10.30am then onto the Millenium Green opposite Wincobank Chapel and then in the raised flower beds on Bluebell Close."

Friends of Firth Park

was awarded is for the installation of two new benches in Firth Park to replace some that were old and rotten or damaged. The benches have arrived and the installation completed.

Little Faces Toddler Group

Helen writes " We have received funding for a year, from the Panel.  The funding was for rent for a year, this has meant that local children and their parents/carers have been able to continue to have fun and learn through play together.  We have also been able to welcome a number of new members, as a result of this funding."

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Longley Link TARA

This last summer we put on programme of events for children aged 8-16 across the summer holidays funded by Community First - the activities revolved around sporting engagement and was successful in reducing anti social behaviour around the area. 

We will be doing it again and thank CF for providing funds to enable it to go ahead.

Longley Little Ones & Longley Wrigglers  received funding for this year. It has enabled our group to grow

Feedback on our group states the group is very friendly & welcoming for the children & carers, that the toys & activities were safe & appropriate & stated some of the childrens favorite toys/activities (i.e. Large Soft Play, Small World, Role Play area).  

Thank you for supporting us.

Longley 50+ Group

Having just spend an entertaining couple of hours with the ladies and gents of Longley 50+ group and their regular Monday afternoon get together. Tea, cake and friendly chat on offer and then a couple of games of bingo too, to round off the session. 

The group have had funds from CDF to help support the room hire costs at the local church. The group is generally funded from members contributions and the CDF grant will allow them to put aside some of their own contributions to allow for funding of the occasional trip and other activities.

The group was formed in 2004/5 and has managed to survive on a shoestring, which a testiment to the commitment and leadership of the group and is exactly the sort of community activity we should be supporting going forward as the value of it, to the participants is immeasurable in terms of well being and socialising.

Roman Ridge Extra Care Scheme

I'd like to update you on the progress of our Sensory Herb Garden Project.

There have been some delays because of the terrible weather but the project is well under way. The fountain is built and functional, and w/c 23rd July we will be levelling the area and spreading the white gravel around ready for the herb planters to be placed.

Hinde House Junior School have been busy creating Roman Mosaics which will feature around the fountain and garden.

A grand event is planned for after the school holidays when the garden will be officially opened, to include a garden party and a press release, which will include information about you as the grant giver.

St Leonard's Community Hall Kitchen

Funding from various sources including Community First has allowed for work to be completed to revamp the Community kitchen at St Leonards.  The existing kitchen was tired and dated and was becoming an issue for groups using the centre. 

The images show how it was and how it is now, with its new floor, new unit fronts and with the sink unit and drainage moved to a more suitable position with relation to the outside drain system. Users have commented on how much better the new kitchen is.

Trade Base Trust

During the busy summer months, the extra input of experienced, qualified staff has been invaluable. We have cultivated a variety of produce, including courgettes, beans, peas, brassicas, onions, greens, tomatoes, berries, herbs and edible flowers. 

We have improved our current plots through renovation of paths, compost bins and boundaries and have progressed the renovation of a derelict plot which will be wheelchair accessible. We have supported an average of twelve participants per session and have welcomed new members each week.

 Funding from Community First has helped us achieve the following key benefits:

* Improved diet and increased understanding of health and nutrition for local people, through production and consumption of fresh, organic fruit and vegetables.

* Increased physical activity levels for local people, many of whom report having a mainly sedentary lifestyle. At the project, people can work on tasks including digging, hedge-cutting, weeding, wheel-barrowing and so on, to safely increase their physical activity.

* Improved mental health and social interaction for people experiencing isolation. This is something which many of our participants emphasise as being most valuable to them.

* Greater community cohesion, through the bringing together of otherwise unconnected individuals and social groups. This includes bringing together refuges and newly-settled migrants with people who have lived in Firth Park for generations, introducing young and older people with a mutual interest in horticulture, encouraging people with differing needs and abilities to participate together and learn from each other.

* Improved employment prospects for local people, through the acquisition of skills, references, confidence and aspirations. This is vital in an area of higher than average unemployment.

* Greater self-sufficiency, sustainability and resilience of the local community through growing our own local food and becoming less reliant upon commercial agriculture. This is crucial at a time of environmental and economic vulnerability.

We are very grateful to Community First for supporting us in such difficult economic times. Our volunteers and participants have been greatly encouraged by the support, and we are delighted to have been able to continue offering a high-quality service to our local community.

Upper Wincobank Chapel - ongoing

The original plan was to purchase a rolla ramp with handrail attachment, but when the chapel finally managed to get an advisor to come out to the chapel it was deemed unsuitable.  the ramp in the photograph was purchased which makes the chapel building fully accessible to wheelchairs and easier for push chairs. 

The Chapel then approached the SCC Listed Buildings Officer to ask permmission to install a fixed handrail to the steps at the side of the building as this is the usual entrance but the steps are too high for a ramp.  After some delay permission was granted and they are now waiting for bulding companies to come and assess the task and provide quotes. 

Already, the ramp has reassured the residents from the nearby Roman Ridge Extra Care Home that they can safely enter the chapel and this has led to more people taking part in a range of activities including the weeekly coffee morning pictured in the photo, a writing group and heritage meetings as well as the Sunday services.

5 Neighbourhoods Group

The project was to improve the street scene in the Longley area to try and make the area more appealing, and attract better usage of the community run community centre.

The result of the project was the purchase of 4 large planters (jointly funded with the North east community Assembly) which have been strategically placed around the 4 Greens Community Centre

Feedback still awaited from... 
Firth Park Advice Centre


  1. Regarding the new grants available, maybe organise an Eid Party
